Your Guitar Workshop Holiday in Spain
For a beginner or accomplished guitar player, I will design my individual, One-on-One guitar workshops specifically for you.
With just a few hours of lessons and practice each day over a week or two, you will find that you will be playing your guitar positively, with greater confidence - and using skills and techniques that you had previously only dreamt of. This series of relaxed and fun guitar music sessions will enable you to quickly learn many of my unique styles of guitar playing - finger style techniques that I've developed over many years of having fun, exploring and making music on my guitar - playing and composing, singing and song writing. I get enormous pleasure from teaching the guitar, so rest assured that you will dictate the pace at which you learn, ensuring that your guitar workshops with me are very instructive, but also light hearted and enjoyable. My Booklet 'Nailing It' is available for download. The sheets of music are in Notation and Tab. Please contact me, Clive Davies, using the CONTACT US page or by email at [email protected] for a copy. |